"I'll start in January."
When goals are discussed, the most common response that I've heard recently has been involving the upcoming New Year.
It's so easy to mark the new year as a time for change. And don't get me wrong, I love setting New Year's Resolutions. I love the motivated energy in the air during January, and I love the collective determination.
But today is December 1st. We have an entire month ahead of us full of festive adventures!
It seems that most people view the holidays as a "fuck it" time; we fall down the rabbit hole of gluttony. And honestly, this is meant to be the time of the year filled with yummy food, alcohol, sugar cookies...
HOWEVER, remember that living a life of balance allows you to enjoy holiday treats without going overboard. For me, balance means I will eat my family's delicious candy cane twists, but I won't eat the entire pan. I will enjoy pie, but stop before I feel sick.
With that in mind, I'm going to ask you: Why are you waiting until January to start working towards your goals? Is it because you think it will be too hard with all of the temptation that is coming our way?
In order to shape lifelong healthy habits, we need to drop the "all or nothing" mentality. This is a huge struggle for me because I tend to become fully invested in a goal that I want to accomplish, and that can lead to burning out.
There are 31 days between now and 2019. The average time is takes for a new habit to stick is roughly 66 days, but obviously varies from person to person. Breaking or forming a habit is challenging because we are attempting to rewire how our brain has been taught to function.
So why not be gentle with yourself and ease yourself into 2019? Integrate a few things that you want to introduce into your life, because any lasting change will require adjustment and initial discomfort. Maybe you're thinking of physical health, mental health, school, work, a new skill, relationships...whatever is sitting on your heart, grab it. Say with conviction, "I will make this happen."
Start now and our resolutions for 2019 will be set up for success, ready to catapult into a year that has potential to be the best year yet...if we only allow it to be.
This is our month of happiness, love, family, and memories. It's up to you to conclude the end of 2018. You set the tone for your own life. What will you do with your December? How do you want to close this chapter?
*picture credit to Haley H.