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September Intentions

The transition from summer to autumn can be difficult; trading in lazy days spent lounging in the sun for a busy schedule tends to be an uncomfortable shift. Busy season for businesses creeps up, school starts, and there is the threat of dreary winter in the far-off distance. For most of us, it seems that autumn passes too quickly.

But we can change the course of those thoughts.

We can slow down, and savor the month as it happens.

I'm a bit biased because September is my favorite month; not only does it hold my birthday, but there's still lingering summer warmth while fall excitement hangs in the air. After all, the Virgo sign is the last sign the sun will pass through before the official change to fall!

Virgo season officially started on August 23rd. For us earth signs, we feel the shift of the season through a sense of grounding,calm, productivity, and creativity. The difficult transition (known as Mars in retrograde) has finally pushed through, which means every one of us can feel the positive effects of cleansing whatever is causing anxiety in order to express ourselves. All of these factors tend to cause a huge sense of determination in people, as well as a re-charge of mental energy.

So this is where I want to talk to you personally. I have some questions that I asked myself at the start of the month, and I encourage you to do the same.

How was this summer for you?

How are you feeling about it ending? Happy? Sad?

What is one exciting work and/or school related task that you're working on?

What is one exciting personal/social event that you're looking forward to?

How do you feel about your work/school/social balance?

What has been a dominant feeling for you recently? Is this something you'd like to change?

What would bring you relief to let go of even if you're afraid of change?

If there was no fear of what others thought, what would you do that you've always wanted to do? (this could be something big, or something small like getting a different hair cut).

Reflect on the questions or journal them. At the very least, have ten minutes of quiet time. Now it's time to set some intentions/goals for the month. I used to suck at this because I would get a bit ambitious, forgetting that a month is not as long as I would like. So for this, remember to make it realistic and specific.

Here are my September Intentions:

-Be active 3-5 times a week (not just the gym; walks, stretching, hikes!)

-Put $100 in my savings account

-post on my blog once a week

-have (at least) one creative journal writing session or personal reading time per week

I hope you're feeling inspired and ready for the season. I hope you receive good news, positive vibes, and a refreshed mindset. I would love to hear about your September intentions!

Get ready for a lot of content coming!

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