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Cassandra Jo Downie

One of my earliest memories is of a young Cassie staring at the pages of a children's book. I was learning the alphabet at the time and decided to practice naming the letters in the beloved book. My parents read me bedtime stories and had a true talent for creating magic just by staring at these random jumbling of letters, and I wanted to understand how. That day, I finally experienced my "aha!" moment. Suddenly it clicked in my brain that what my teachers were patiently explaining to me made sense: the letters came together on the page and created a word! And the words came together to create a sentence! And if you put all the sentences together, you get a story. 


From that point on, I was addicted to reading. Road signs, labels, indexes, magazines...the world was mine to read and comprehend. Eventually, it dawned on me that I could write whatever I desired. Soon I was filling journal after journal with words, transforming blank pages into stories and poems and diary entries. I finished entire novels within two days. I stayed up late at night in my childhood bedroom, hiding under the covers with a flashlight to finish "just one more chapter."


My love for all things reading and writing has not died away in adulthood; in fact, the infatuation has continued to flourish even more. Starting a blog has always been in the back of my mind since I learned what they are. All of my creations have been tucked safely away in the privacy of my notebooks...until now. 


My life was drenched in an alarming amount of trauma, despair, heartbreak, and darkness. I've been blessed to be able to overcome so much destruction and blossom from my hurt. I thoroughly believe in using pain and experience to change the world for the better, and that's what I plan to do: share my pain with the world in order to bring hope and wisdom.


I already feel exposed preparing this website and anticipating the moment it goes live. But vulnerability can be a beautiful thing. I'll also be able to share all of my fun creations in addition to the personal stories. 


I plan on being raw, passionate, vulnerable, messy, goofy, honest...candid.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here to support my dreams.


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